Flower Friday: The sinister may-apple

In April, the forest floor is often covered with foot-high plants with umbrella-like leaves called may-apples (Podophyllum peltatum). However, these plants have a rather sinister look in my opinion. They kind of remind me of this guy from Disney’s Fantasia.   Like the poison love-apple (the tomato), … Continue readingFlower Friday: The sinister may-apple

Words of the Day: Aces (the flying kind), Acid Test, Acme

As a writer it’s important I have a large vocabulary, so I’ve decided to read through the dictionary. To keep me accountable, I will post my favorite words from each dictionary page. Definitions come from Webster’s New World Dictionary of American English, Third College Edition, 1988. … Continue readingWords of the Day: Aces (the flying kind), Acid Test, Acme

Flower Friday: Early Wildflowers

Wildflowers! How I love thee. How I love to see thee. How I love to photograph thee! Okay, enough with the poetry. On with the photos of a few early bloomers.