As a writer it’s important I have a large vocabulary, so I’ve decided to read through the dictionary. To keep me accountable, I will post my favorite words from each dictionary page. Definitions come from Webster’s New World Dictionary of American English, Third College Edition, 1988.
Acoustician: an expert in acoustics. That’d be an attention-grabbing job title.

Photo by Marie-Lan Nguyen
Acrolith: a statute that is a mixture of stone and wood, particularly a wooden body (concealed with fabric or a thin covering of stone) and stone hands, feet, and head. Common in early Greek sculpture.
Action Painting: A children’s finger painting. Just kidding! It’s a form of abstract expressionism in which bold, seemly random compositions are created by such methods as dripping or splattering paint. This is type of painting is fun to do and the results are colorful and fun to look at. Any Jackson Pollock fans?